Report your Traffic Ticket – We are Earth's Red Light And Speed Camera Ticket Reporting System.

The Warren Act of 2024 was inacted July 9th 2024 and is now in force. Read It. Also, I made a decision to develop this site while live to the public. Not all things will work and you may see changes happen as you browse.  I felt it best to start gathering statistical data  and I might as well have a little raw fun along the way.

The Red Light District

Without the ability to identify and thus ‘accuse’ the operator, holding the owner liable is an act of convenience rather than an act of justice. What legal principle is most relevant? “Owner’s Liability charge” or “Innocent Until Proven Guilty?” This is 100% about the purse yet we are told public safety? A lie right out of the gates. Why? The true depth of the psychological manipulations at play are mystifying. The fact that this psychology is known and still used by government represents a calculated intent to deceive citizens for financial gain. Our court systems are also being manipulated to enforce this calculated political will.

Tell your Story

What City did you get your ticket in? Did you pay the fine? Did you fight the ticket? What were the results? The most effective way for governments to make controversial decisions is to control the available information. Your tax dollars pay for these systems. These systems are designed to collect more money from you. As it stands there is zero accountability and no organized information that allows citizens to form meaningful opinions. Read more…(this section is being created)

Find your City

Research information related to Red light Camera deployments in your City. Start or Join a related group, create a community delegation or advocacy group. Help us manage or create community specific, accurate information. Your collaboration and contributions are needed to ensure the messages we deliver are fair and capture the essence of the communities you represent. Find out more.(this section is being created)

CALL TO ACTION! I don’t want your money. I want your passion. We will turn into a global niche business with a clear focus. We will empower individuals, solve a problem or two and create magic. Be a part of the new era of Collaboration that will change the world. I am one person with 1000 Billion dollar ideas and the Balls to do something about it but i need help. With the right team, this could be a global business in less than months. All imaginable skill sets needed. Worlds can change with a single conversation. Contact me

Just Pay The Fine and Shut Up

We  have both a right and responsibility to question behaviors that could be considered unethical, illegal or in bad faith. This complacency weakens humanity.

Consider the unique nature of a red light camera violation. In such cases, the ‘accused’ is not a person, but an inanimate object – the vehicle. The accuser is not an officer of the law but another inanimate object – the red light camera.

So, who is the real accused here? The vehicle registered to me, or the unidentified individual who was operating it? Without establishing the identity of the driver, are we not merely presuming guilt by association rather than evidence? Is it just to hold an individual accountable for an action they may not have committed, and cannot be proven to have committed?

What legal principle is most valid?

“Owner’s liability charge” or “Presumption of Innocence until proven guilty” ?

A Red light camera can accurately take a picture of a license plate in varying weather and lighting conditions yet magically it cannot take a picture of the offender? Why? The technology exists. Does this not make sense?

Here is the TRUTH: Regulation/Law/Statutes have been created specifically to make fine collections as easy as possible. A photograph of the offender would complicate the collection of fine revenue. Red Light Camera systems and other “automated enforcement” tools target owners, not offenders. It’s rape, not romance. Read more…

Are you a Sudbury Ontario based business that can supply my T-shirts and other items on a print on demand basis? was born here. I was born here. I personaly grew up here. I raise my 3 kids here and would love to find local partners to work with. As it is just me at the moment, it will be baby steps.(get off your ass collaborators and touch base.)

We will become an online community of significant influence but  our roots will always represent the communities we came from.

PEOPLE OF SUDBURY. Part of my journey will be sharing my story. It is an amazing one. is only one of multiple projects I have  going on and there are 1000s more  million dollar(I’m being modest) ideas waiting.  I have done absolutely everything alone and if required will finish it alone. I have nothing but sticks now and I still tear down mountains. READ MORE…

200 Brady Street

Congratulations City of Greater Sudbury. 200 Brady Street is forever more known as the New Red Light District. It will be a permanent home to an international repository of information and actions designed to empower impacted citizens with information. Find out why the City of Greater Sudbury is now the poster child for the new Red light District. Read more…

What is the Warren Act o 2024 ?

The Warren Act of 2024 is a legislative movement aimed at ensuring ethical governance, transparency, honesty, and accountability. It challenges the deployment of automated enforcement systems like speed and red-light cameras, which are often installed under deceptive pretenses of public safety while actually serving as revenue generators. The fact the public is decieved day one about the true intention of these deployments is a HUGE problem. The Act asserts the public’s right to transparent and honest information, allowing citizens to seek legal recourse if these systems are proven to be deceptive. The Warren Act came into force on June 9, 2024, with the goal of suspending these systems pending a comprehensive and transparent review, ensuring future public safety measures are justified and documented.

Red light Cameras in your city?

Do you live in Toronto,Brampton, Mississauga, Hamilton, London, Kitchener,Waterloo or Cambridge? Join the discussion, report your ticket and tell us your storey.

70 Million in 2023 Torohto
600 +
Explaining the calculated deception

First we are buttered up. The lights are dimmed and a lovely scented candle is lit. A seductive song is sung..

The only penalty is a fine – no demerit points will be issued nor will the registered owners’ driving record be impacted. If a violation is detected by the camera, the registered owner of the vehicle will receive a ticket regardless of who was driving. The fine is $325

Click Click

Don’t bother smiling. A picture of the vehicle is captured. The technology exists to capture the driver also but this would complicate fine collection. Another candle is lit and a warm bath is run.(section being built)

The Foot Rub

Here is the fine baby. You don’t need silly picture evidence baby. You are mailed a notice of offence that requires no signature or proof of delivery. Your first foot is gently held. Warm cream and warm hands.(section being built)

The Ear Nibble

Don’t worry baby, I’ll be careful baby. I’ll rub your back now baby. Soft whispers and kisses of encouragement. It’s easier just to pay the fine baby. Relax. It will be ok. Everyone does it. Your ear is nibbled.(section being built)

The Next Morning

Your wallet is gone, your plant is knocked over and there is a note taped to your dog. It says “You’re fat and have stupid feet”. The romance of no demerit points is the bouquet of flowers and you are still covered in butter (section being built)

Join our community (areas in development)

Contribute your passion. Join like minds from around the world and create a business you own.

Collaborative Concept Intelligence: CollaborativeCi We will wake sleeping brilliance and empower magnificence regardless of wealth or status. We are an entity of conceptiual hopes, dreams and passions with a power beyond imagination. A new era of collaboration is emerging that will change everything. The most brillant minds on Earth have been sleeping. Wake up. Come Home